Saturday, January 22, 2011

3 Birthdays, a Baptism, and some Holidays in between Part 3

Dec 17th was Ethan’s LONG a waited b-day! He had been counting down the days for a month! This poor child has to wait a whole year not only for Christmas, but for his birthday too! He had such a fun day we just couldn’t pack anymore into it if we tried! This boy had 3 parties! His school class had their class party and it was the last day of school for the beginning of Christmas break. He then got to come home, open all his gifts and then he wanted to go to the skate park and break in his new skateboard he had waited so long for. Then that night we had our ward Christmas party and he wanted to go to that too.

Happy 11th Birthday Ethan! All he wanted was a Ryan Sheckler skateboard

He got his favorite All American Chocolate cake!

We went to the skate park so he could fully test out his new board

Christmas has finally come and let me just say I am exhausted! We got to spend some time with Hal's family, make ginger bread houses, and go to Temple Square. Something we haven't done in years and definitely need to do every year. It was so beautiful and the kids really enjoyed it too!

Nanny's birthday party at the McQuarries. Our trip to Temple Square

The first annual ginger bread house making on Christmas Eve

Christmas at home. Santa came, the children were all happy, and mom got a 3 hour nap!

Christmas morning, I forgot to pics of the kids in front of the tree

At least I got a few cute pics of them with their socks. That is there favorite thing to open!

Ok, I know that was an incredibly long post, but it sure taught me a lesson to not wait so long the next time around! There really were a lot of fun Christmas pics, but I just can't make myself upload and re-position one more photo! In all the craziness the last few months I missed getting my Christmas cards and newsletter mailed. Sad, I went to all the trouble of getting them made and into envelopes. To bad that is as far as I got. Maybe next year I can be more on the ball.

Now that Jan is here things are finally beginning to slow down a little. There is always something going on, but I am grateful for my family and for the new year. There is always a re-newed sense of hope at the beginning of each New Year. After having a rough year I am grateful for some of the changes we have had this past year and look forward to even more this year.

3 Birthdays, a Baptism, and some Holidays in between Part 2

Thanksgiving we spent at home and just enjoyed a nice somewhat quiet day. I of coarse worked the midnight shift at the store on “black Friday” and then went and did my own shopping right after. Zach’s birthday two days later on Nov 27th was a lot of fun. He gotto open presents through out the day a few at a time. He chose to go to a pizza place for dinner and then we went bowling at BYU. He some how managed to beat us all! Must have been those special bumpers! He also wanted to go to the Disney Store and pick out something special.

Zach's 8th birthday

We went to dinner at a Pizza place in Provo

Bowling at BYU. Zach beat us all!

The following week, first week of Dec. Zach was Baptized. What a special day! It was a small gathering that day due to his cousin also getting baptized on that same day. I have to admit it was kind of nice having a smaller gathering than what we usually have. It made it a little less stressful. It was done in the morning and the ward was so sweet to hand out little sheets of paper to everyone who came to write a little something to each of the children as to their feelings and well wishes for their baptism. The primary leaders later made each child's sheets into a book that they received the following week. After being baptized amd confirmed a member of the church we went to home to a mid morning brunch with all of his favorite breakfast foods. We were so grateful to all our family and friends that were able to brave the snow storm that arose to come and celebrate with us and Zach. Everyones presence made it all the more meaningful not only to us, but to him as well.

Zach and Dad look so great! A few special things Zach received that day

On Dec 13th we celebrated one of our favorite family traditions. Santa Lucia! We made a special breakfast that morning with raspberry rolls and told the story of Santa Lucia to the children.

Avary is helping make biscuits. She loved rolling them and cutting them all out.

Our Santa Lucia breakfast & as a bonus everyone got a new ornament on their plate

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Birthdays, a Baptism, and some Holidays in between Part 1

Over the last few months things around the Jorgensen house have been a little crazy. We have been so busy with 3 birthdays, 1 baptism, and all the holidays in between. I am always glad when Janurary comes. I always feel like it is my time to breath and get my sanity together. It is the time I read more, craft , watch a movie, maybe even catch up on my list of to do’s. Here is a little (big) break down of all things we have done in the last few months.

We started all our celebrating with Avary’s birthday on Oct 28th. We had so much fun on this day. We began with getting her 2 year old pictures done, went for a ride on the carousel horses at the mall, then we were off to our tradional tea party at So Cupcake. Then home to her favorite dinner, cake & ice cream, and of coarse she loved to open all her presents!

Our 2 year old little Princess!

Her favorite present was her rocking horse

She was a little afraid of her candles

All the birthday goodies! She loved everything!

Halloween (sorry no pictures) All the kids had fun. Christian got invited to a costume dance the day before and dressed up as Indiana Jones. On that day we had a party with some of the kids friends. Then we went to our ward party and off to tricks or treats. Christian dressed up as a Fed Ex driver, Ethan – Percy Jackson, Zach – Indiana Jones, and Avary – a fairy princess (of coarse)!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Catching up ~

The nice thing about resolutions is that you can change them at any given time. For example, I think my #1 was to "create a family blog and post something new once a month" Well, that was a pretty sad attempt! Perhaps the better goal would be to not forget about it!" It always seems that life is running at a pace I can't keep up with or maybe my problem is that I don't have the energy to keep up. Sometimes it feels like one more thing and I just might crack or I think when _____ is over I will finally have time to do _____. I am still waiting! I think I have been using the previous sentence since before I got married when life was simpler then and there weren't 5 extra bodies running around me in circles all demanding/needing one thing or another. Now it seems like the name of my game is called "run faster and catch-up!" and on that note there is a lot of catching up to do!

Since March we have been running in many different directions! Zach played indoor soccer and had a great time! Because of my work schedule I didn't get to go to many of his games, but I made the most of the ones I could go to. It was so fun watching these little guys run around and we cheered when they made a goal and we cheered even louder when they made a goal in the net of the game next to them, why not, anyone can make it in their own net, but to make it in the net of another team.... that was awesome!

Ethan started ballroom dance in March also. He and his cute little partner did an awesome job! They loved every minute of it! They learned Jive, Cha Cha, and the Waltz. They had a performance with the High school kids at the end of the session. The class became so popular that his teacher will be doing more classes this fall and well as starting a competition team which Ethan and his partner have been asked to join. He is lucky to have such an amazing teacher who has coached some of BYU's finest ballroom students.

Ethan's baseball season started with two weeks of ballroom left. Once he finished he was in full baseball training. This year he played 3rd base and did an awesome job. He had some pretty amazing plays and assists this season. It was really fun to watch these kids and see the difference they made in their game just since last year. His team just finished 4th in the Mustang league state finals. Ethan has worked hard at Pitching this year, but since his team already had 4 pitchers he didn't get to pitch. Next season he will be pitching as well as playing 3rd base again. He is already excited.

Christian had the opportunity to go to a Pokemon gaming competition in AZ in May. He got to go with one of his best friends, Alex. They had such a great time while there and even got to extend their trip a little and go through the Grand Canyon. He had such a great time. He got an early out in the game due to a technical error, but he was ok with it and said it was still a fun experience.

Christian is also finally starting on his Eagle project. He is working with Primary Children's hospital. He is making pajama pants of all sizes. They have so many kids that get brought in by ambulance or by life flight. These kids don't have anything when they arrive so the hospital tries to give them a few things to help make them a little more comfortable. His project is called "Cj's Pj's" His goal has been to get it done while he is still 13, but it is getting so late now that he might not make in time. He now has 4 weeks to make it in time. I personally don't think he will make it, but I have learned to never say never. We'll see what happens.

He also got to go the Martin Cove Pioneer Trek in June. Unfortunately his group got sent home after 1 day due to the severe weather conditions. They got the real pioneer experience! Rain, snow, 80+ winds! Many of their tents were literally torn a part, many sleeping bags got soaked and were not usable. Really sad. The weather caused it so their busses could not start in the early morning hours to come home sooner. One missionary had said that they have never seen the waters in the Sweet Water creek so high as it was that next morning in the 15 yrs they had been going there. Christian was sad to have to leave early. He may not get another chance to go again, but he did have a real appreciation for what they had to go through. His experience was one day and night. Theirs was months!

Hal and I both got new callings in our ward. Hal is the Cub Scout leader for the 10 yr olds. Big surprise! He just can't escape that calling! I am now a visiting teaching supervisor. Something different I have never done before, but I think I have a pretty good handle on it. I bribe my sisters to get me their numbers by offering homemade rolls (raspberry, orange, cinamon, etc) for breakfast on the 2nd Sun of the month. It has been going pretty well so far. I always have people asking to be in my district. I'll take that as a compliment. I have also started selling my baby/children's bracelets at my favorite shop. Simply Irresistible. It started out at South Towne Mall and she just closed up shop and opened up her own store in Layton behind Layton Hills mall. That was a good move for her since that is where she lives the drive was pretty tiring for her. Since I have even expanded and have also been doing infant Binky clips and necklaces. It has been going well and have had many special orders since.

Avary is keeping me busy as usual. While her vocabulary is still not huge she is learning more and more words. She doesn't climb as much as she was, but she loves to get into things and dump them out. Some days we look forward to nap time. She loves going to the park across the street and I am amazed at the little tan lines she already has she is perfectly sun kissed. (Lucky Girl!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Better Late Then Never!

Ok, so my first follow up to my new blog and I blew it! In my defense the month of February was cut short and I have been really sick for almost a week. The flu has been going through our house. For some reason February is our month for sickness nearly every year. I'd rather it be now than during Easter. Not to mention a lot of extra work hours for me and our little miss Avary has been keeping me very busy!

We got through the screaming phase. Now we are into climbing! I spend most of my days getting her off the table, out of the dishwasher, the DVD cabinet, the hutch, off her dresser, oven drawer, etc! You name it, she's in it! Then at nap time, I just try to catch my breath before it starts all over again. It's amazing I get anything done. I don't remember the boys climbing this much! I don't know how she does it half the time.

With Valentine's this past month love was definitely in the air! Ethan and his cute friend Rylie exchanged special Valentines. She had a better day than I did! He was so excited to do something for her. He picked out a cute build-a-bear and dressed her up in a Valentines outfit. He delivered it to her with some of her favorite treats and a homemade note, asking her to be his Valentine! It was so cute! Ethan says this was the second best day of his life. The first was when he met up with her again in the Summer, they told each other they liked one another and gave each other a hug. Oh to be young again!

I am happy to report that I did start a new hobby. I've started making baby bracelets and am loving it! They are turning out so cute. I've got a few boutiques lined up this Spring/Summer and a bunch of baby items to put in it. Diaper bags, bracelets, pillowcase dresses, mom is working on burp clothes and blankets, as well as crocheted headbands. It has been years since I've done boutiques and am looking forward to getting back into them again.

I decided this month that I want to start running. Yep, you heard right. Me. Running. When I told Hal his reaction was something like this "BAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAHA!!!!!!" Followed with a "You HATE running!" Then I asked him to join me, he paused, and paused some more. I think he was trying to figure if I was serious. I am! I just bought running shoes. Wish me luck! For those who didn't know me during the growing up years, I had a lot of ankle problems. I broke my ankles (right and left) 17 times between the ages of 9 - 18. I still today have a great relationship with the x-ray tech who did all my x-rays over the years. I had reconstructive surgery on one at 18 and haven't dared to run. At least not beyond chasing my kids. To all my running friends, promise not to laugh if I should happen to post a running time. IE : 3 mile run 4:46:22 I have to start somewhere right? and yes, it may seriously take that long! I don't want to run a Marathon, I just want to drop a few pounds and not give up my Diet Coke habit. Think it will work?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Resolutions for the New Year....

This year I thought I would try something new. I have been wanting to start a new family blog for a very long time. One that is personal and is just about us. It's time I get going and do what I said I was going to do. I have so enjoyed reading many blogs that belong to friends and family. I have kind of looked at it as a personal family journal. Knowing myself, I know that I do not have the time to post a lot, but I would like to make it a goal for this year to at least post something new each month. I think I can handle that.

Each year I go through a personal check up and evaluate myself. I love to make the "New Years Resolution List" each year. It is something I have done since I was little. My 2 biggest mistakes that I make each year are 1. I make my list too big and 2. I don't refer back to it through out the year like I should.

This year my list is short & VERY simple. (In no particular order)

1. Create a new family blog and make an entry at least once a month
2. Try to focus on the things that matter most
3. Be a better listener to my children and exert a little more patience when needed
4. Try to find joy in ALL the things I do
5. Try to create a little time for myself and start a new hobby
6. Stay in better touch with my family and friends
7. Improve myself, the possibilities are endless

and a few others that I think at this time I will keep to myself.

Let me just say~ I love the month of January. It always brings a renewed hope for a new year and for bigger and better things to come. I love the beautiful frost covered mornings and the cozy feeling of being at home. Every New Years Day we have our annual sledding party. This year we invited extended family to join us. It was SO much fun and every one had such a great time.

I also look forward to the things my kids have coming up throughout the year. Christian starts his Eagle project for scouts this Spring. He would like to do something for Hati with it being so heavily on our minds. We may have a few possible resources that may be really good for him to persue. We are excited to get it going. Ethan wants to play baseball again as well as football. Zach is excited for soccer to start again. As for Avary, we love watching the world through her eyes. Every day is a new and exciting adventure. One other thing that happened this month is my brother and sister-in-law are expecting a new baby this Fall. We are so excited for them.

Ok so this is a very small beginning on the blogging, but I am excited to add more as time goes by and hopefully not a 1 am. So I end my first post with "Good bye and good night!"